The rapidly exploding demand for business intelligence on big data is nothing new - this trend is clearly indicated in the latest Big Data Maturity surveys (2015 and 2016). As shown in the graphic below, 75% of respondents are planning on deploying BI workloads on their big data platforms (with 73% of respondents already with some BI use cases deployed).
Topics: Hadoop, hive, bi-on-hadoop, Analytics, BI on Big Data, druid
Every once in awhile, the ultimate question comes up: "What is the best analysis tool for BI on Hadoop?!" AtScale is not in the business of favoring one tool versus the other. We are in the business of making all of them work. There are indeed many reasons why business users and IT departments choose particular analysis tools. Here are a few things to consider.
Topics: Hadoop, bi-on-hadoop, Analytics, BI on Big Data
Digital transformation is a broad term that has various meanings by application, but in general, it means that more and more of what organizations, people, governments do is happening in computers, mobile devices and networks. As a result, the way things are done is changing, especially in the way things are connected. So in this new world of data flying everywhere, being generated and consumed, where does one stop for a second to take a look at what’s going on?
Topics: Business Intelligence, Big Data, olap, BI, Analytics